How to Make a Dream Catcher

Luckybudmall Oct 21, 2022
How to Make a Dream Catcher

Dream catchers are meant to be hung above your bed, they're supposed to catch all of the bad dreams and then all of the good dreams will slide down the feathers and onto the person that is sleeping below. There are kinds of beautiful dream catchers sold on gift stores, but some of you may wonder to make it by yourselves.

How to make a dream catcher? Let's grab some supplies and get started step by step.

The first thing you'll need is a wire hoop, you can find it in some craft stores. You can also use an embroidery ring if you would like, but you need something to wrap around your loop, so some suede lace or some ribbon or some waxed cord will be needed.

The second thing you'll need is some feathers to hang below your dream catcher, and then you'll need some beads to weave into the center of your dreamcatcher, some shells and some little tiny rock beads will be OK.

Next you're actually going to color your feathers by using some food coloring and a little cup of water. Then a clamp to help you assemble your dream catcher, and some sharp scissors, some string to hang your feathers from. Then using a couple different kinds of string and decorative trim, some wire to attach the feathers to your string.

The first step is to wrap the leather cord around your embroidery hoop or your wiring so just start by looping it around the ring a few times. Then take your clamp and clamp it over the top of the cord, holding it into place and then you're going to wrap it around the entire hoop in an even layer, make sure to wrap evenly and tightly.

Once you get to the end trim off about 10 inches just to give you enough to tie off. When you get to the top tie a double knot, left over right and then right over left, then trim off the ends and this will be on the bottom side of the dream catcher.

Then go ahead and grab your waxed cord and measure out approximately 10 feet (depends on how tightly you weave the web). More details, you can also refer to the Youtube tutorial video made by Emilie Lefler.

After you created the inside part of the dream catcher, you are going to color the feathers and then decide where you want your feathers to go. Once you've decided where to place them, take about five inches of your wire and match the end of your feather up to the end of your cord or your string or whatever you decide to hang your feathers with. You're just going to secure the feather with a little bit of the wire.

Once you have secured all of your feather onto your cord or your string, we're going to attach them to the dream catcher, together decorated with some beads, then you will finish the DIY dream catcher.